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Thursday, November 17, 2011

National Missionary Convention 2011

So much has happened the last 2 months! I have been terrible about posting on our blog during this time and therefore have much to catch up on!!! We are in Atlanta this week attending the National Missionary Convention and are enjoying this time of worship, fellowship, prayer, workshops, and the opportunity to meet so many wonderful Christian brothers and sisters that are serving God all over the world! Sometimes this big world is a really small place. It's amazing how many people know people that we know all over the world. This morning at the Pre-Convention for missionaries we ran into a man named Mike, from Mexico City. Adam and the other guys on our trip to Mexico City stayed at his home in Huehuetoca last September. Anyway, Caeley is getting ready to get out of the pool and head up to our hotel room to shower. We had a 5 hr break this afternoon and the enormous exhibit hall opens at 5:00pm so I should get going. Please pray for us as we work to listen to God's voice and to continue to follow His will. We are thankful for this time as a family and with fellow missionaries and are excited to be preparing for the field! I will post a better update very very soon!