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Monday, November 26, 2012

We're headed to Texas...

This has been quite a winding road that the Lord has had us on! These past few months we have really been thinking through what we, as a new missionary family would best benefit from in a mission organization. The more that Adam and I talked and prayed about it, the more that we felt like we needed an organization that mainly focused on support and communication. We were part of a wonderful organization that we loved, but that didn't quite suit us as non-seasoned missionaries. While searching online one day, we came across Commission To Every Nation - or CTEN for short. Their website describes them in this way: "CTEN is a servant organization which helps missionaries fulfill the unique vision God has given them. Through administrative support we provide accountability and help the missionary get to the field. Through pastoral care we help them remain effective and healthy while there." We have just finished the application process and an interview via skype and last Tuesday our membership with CTEN was approved! Adam and I will be attending an orientation at their main office in Texas next week!

We had a wonderful time at ICOM (International Conference on Missions) a couple of weeks ago. We made some wonderful contacts and just loved sharing The Fold with so many! I think Adam talked about Africa for 3 days straight with very minimal breaks... :) We were blessed with the opportunity to go to lunch with Mike and Kathy Dennis, a couple from Paul and Micky's home church in Oklahoma while they were here for the convention. Mike serves as an elder at Cedar Ridge Christian Church. They had just visited The Fold this summer and had a wonderful time there. They had actually done some of the work in our apartment to help prepare it for our arrival, so it was nice to get to thank them in person!

Here is our family at our booth for The Fold:

We enjoyed a wonderfully delicious Thanksgiving with both sides of our family. It was especially wonderful to see my Uncle Bob and Aunt Meacia as we hadn't been able to spend time with Bob since his heart surgery last month! What a blessing to have him celebrate with us. We are looking forward to Christmas and I am working on getting our plans for the month all in order. I ran across an idea on Pinterest that I am in love with. Random Acts of Christmas Kindness - or RACK for short. The kids and I, and Adam when he's here, will be performing RACKs all month long! We are getting very excited to get started! If you are interested in doing the same, just Google Random Acts of Christmas Kindness and compile a list! If you have any fun ideas, leave us a comment! We would love to hear them!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Back in Indiana

We have been back in Indiana now for a little over 2 weeks. It really only feels like one since jet lag took us over for the first week! Now that I am definitely thinking MUCH more clearly, here is a new post to get you updated:

I have fallen in love several times in my life. When Adam and I were dating, when Ethan arrived, and again upon Caeley's arrival. Last month though, I fell in love again. Hard. I absolutely loved Africa. The people, the places, the work that God has put before us... We are in awe of the many ways that He has so certainly been preparing us for The Fold. It is so hard to think of leaving family and leaving friends, but God has made this path too clear. We can't say no. Some of the main things that we prayed for as we prepared for our trip and as we were there, are that God would speak clearly to us, that we would have no question of His direction, that He would show us any red flags and that we would be open to whatever His guidance for us was, and that we wouldn't make any decisions based on our emotions. He answered our prayers so fully while we were gone and we are so thankful. We know without a shadow of  a doubt that this is His plan for us. Jeremiah tells us Jeremiah 29:11: "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord. "Plans to prosper you, not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

We knew that we would easily become attached to the children there, but in His lovingkindness God orchestrated the timing of our first week there so that much of our day to day life did not include the children. We got to know Paul and Micky and gained a wonderful understanding of their ministry. We got to know the kids, just a bit, and enjoyed attending Bible Time as a big group every evening. We accomplished some work projects and just got used to living there and knowing what our roles would be. From the moment we arrived we all felt at home. And I don't say that lightly. I have not felt that at home for a very long time. No matter what, for quite awhile our life has just not felt right. I know that I, myself, have just not felt peace. Being in our apartment at The Fold just felt right - and peaceful. Just a part of God's affirmation during our time there.

All four of us missed our family and friends, but we had such a hard time leaving. We truly feel like we left part of ourselves behind in Africa and we are aching to be back. As soon as our plane touched down in Indianapolis 2 weeks ago, Ethan turned to Adam and said, "Welcome to Indiana. When can we go home?"

We have been busy getting paperwork done and preparing all of our fundraising materials. Paul and Micky asked us to represent The Fold at the ICOM - International Conference on Missions in Indianapolis next week and I am so excited! Well, we all are. But, ICOM is by far my favorite event of the year each year and I am extra excited to go this year and share the story of The Fold and introduce people to the faces of the sweet sweet children that we met there!

We are certain that we will be returning to South Africa and our hope is that we could be ready to go this next summer. We have a 3 week training that we will be taking in Colorado at MTI - Mission Training International as well as a KAIROS - Bible/missions class in Kentucky. This fall and winter we will be especially focused on fundraising. We need to raise monthly support as well as one time gifts that will help us to be able to serve in South Africa full time and to purchase necessities such as a vehicle, appliances, household goods and our airline tickets.

We would love to begin to have people partner with us in this ministry. We are so excited to be a part of a ministry that is raising up Godly leaders that will have a positive impact on society - especially for the Lord! If you are interested in learning more about how you can be a part of The Fold, as a prayer partner, financially, receiving newsletters, etc. please contact us at hayesfamily.thefold@gmail.com. We would love to share more information with you!!!

As always - we would love your comments on our blog!